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Business Intelligence and Data Viz in the Work Place: Microsoft Power BI Workshop – 05.03.2020

On March 5th 2020, HEC Data Minds and Microsoft came together to hold an 8-hour hands-on workshop on HEC Paris campus to learn the fundamentals of Microsoft Power BI, a business analytics service that provides interactive visualizations, business intelligence capabilities, reporting and dashboarding.

The workshop was led by Microsoft experts, Amine Hameg and Louis Cacaret. Many HEC students registered from all programs (M1, M2, MBA) to both learn and get hands-on experience on this tool. When asked about the reason why students were interested in such an event, the overwhelming majority answered ‘to become more data-fluent’ and be knowledgeable about the latest tools used by companies to understand and illustrate key business insights.

It is becoming increasingly important for current and future employees to understand data and be able to readily decipher which data is necessary and relevant for the company / team / department’s business objectives. This is supported by the trend in rising business intelligence and data-oriented roles (data analyst, data scientist, etc..) in all companies regardless of the industry. Companies are searching for job candidates who are able to quickly deliver key data insights and present them in a professional, seamless manner.

Regarding this workshop, we’d like to thank Microsoft professionals Amine Hameg and Louis Cacaret for their time and expertise. It was a learning experience that allowed for HEC students to recognize the importance of data analytics and visualizations, all while honing their critical thinking and analytical skills!

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